WordPress Features power the web

WordPress features power almost 24% of the web — and this number is rising each day. Everything from personal blogs, simple websites, to intranets, famous bands and corporate websites. Complete applications can even be built with WordPress.

WordPress features cupped hands with logo and utility knife

WordPress boasts a wealth of features right out of the box

WordPress is very flexible, yet simple to operate both for users and publishers alike.

WordPress software is both mature and robust. So it is powerful for developers, yet easy to use for businesses.

Feature-rich, right out of the box

WordPress features are ready to use right out of the box.


Check out some of these great WordPress features:-

WordPress Security
WordPress Administration and User Management
Optimised for SEO
Vast Developer Community
The Latest Code Libraries
Powerful Publishing Tools
Powerful Theme System
Plug-able with Plugins
Media Savvy
WordPress Taxonomies
Easy Installation and Upgrades
Fully Customisable Content
Built-in Comments
Application Framework


It doesn’t end with the rich feature-set that comes as standard. There is a massive developer community surrounding WordPress creating thousands of plugins and themes to extend WordPress.

This means that with WordPress, the sky is the limit. You can create almost any feature you might wish for.

Great news for all business wanting to harness the power of WordPress features.

Get in touch today and let’s get started on your next WordPress project.

Open source, open opportunity

Because WordPress is truly open-source, there is no purchase price. You are completely free to do whatever you like with the WordPress code.

WordPress allow you to extend it or modify their code in any way. This means that for any commercial projects there is no licensing fee.

So when you adopt WordPress, you are taking full control, from day one.

Post navigation


You can deliver your site in almost any language of your choice – WordPress has already been translated into more than 60 different languages. You can also ‘localise’ your custom themes and plugins in exactly the same way as…

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Application Framework

If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management, HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and…

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WordPress Security

There is no doubt that WordPress security team take the protection of your site very seriously — WordPress software is constantly being updated to close any potential vulnerabilities. Here is what WordPress have to say about security in general:-…

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Media Savvy

They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it’s important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it…

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Built-in Comments

WordPress’s comment tools give you everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion. A blog, when used strategically can be a very useful place to attract and engage new customers or new recruits….

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Optimised for SEO

WordPress is optimised for search engines right out of the box. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that for you.

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Vast Developer Community

As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a volunteer, attend a WordCamp or Meetup to learn more about…

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WordPress Administration and User Management

Not everyone requires — or should be allowed to have — the same access to your website. WordPress Administration and User Management lets you decide who is responsible for what aspect of your site. Full WordPress Administration and User…

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Plug-able with Plugins

One of the main reasons for the popularity of WordPress is its extensibility. And one of the key elements of it’s extensibility is the WordPress Plugin API. The WordPress Plugin API makes it possible to create plugins to extend…

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WordPress does not exist in isolation. Apart from the vast collection of third party WordPress themes and WordPress plugins, the WordPress platform also relies upon a set of standards for the core code, for plugins and themes, and for…

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The Latest Code Libraries

Modern Web development relies upon a range of well-established code libraries. WordPress brings these libraries together under one roof, carefully integrating them with the main codebase. This helps provide a seamless user experience for visitors to your WordPress site….

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WordPress Taxonomies

WordPress taxonomies come built-in and help you organise your site content. The value to your business is making your content both ‘discoverable’ and ‘navigable’. Out of the box, there are four ready-made WordPress taxonomies: Categories Navigation menu Tags Links…

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Powerful Theme System

Arguably the number one reason for the massive popularity of WordPress lies in its chameleon-like ability to change its visual appearance at will, using custom Themes. Out of the box, WordPress comes with a limited number of built-in themes….

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Easy Installation and Upgrades

WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. Grab an FTP program, create a database, upload WordPress, and run the installer. It really can be that simple. Of course, the real expertise lies in when something goes wrong,…

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WordPress is incredibly flexible. You can create any type of website you want: a personal blog or website, a photoblog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a…

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Fully Customisable Content

WordPress comes with many default content types, such as image, video, gallery, audio, aside and so-on. But what if you need more flexibility? What if you need to make your onw content types? Easy — using the WordPress API,…

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Powerful Publishing Tools

If you’ve ever created a document in a word processor, creating content with WordPress will feel very familiar. In WordPress, your primary document is either a page or a post. With posts and pages, you can enter text and insert media, and…

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